Empty Nest
Posted by karen venturi on

And just like that his wings had grown and the nest was empty. Sadness and Joy, anxiety and excitement all experienced at once, you know just like the first time you watch your kids drive off in their own car. For those who have been following my little ray of sunshine, my feathered gran baby bird, the nest with a single egg by my bed room door had hatched. The sweetest chirps as he called for his food, the love felt as I had the privilege of watching him grow has come to an end. I heard Mumma bird calling lots...
Posted by karen venturi on

Trust is such an incredible gift. Every time an individual trusts me to guide them, perform a healing on them or confides In me it is truly a humbling experience. Trusting others for me personally has been and still can be at times (not really anymore) a difficult process. A survivor of childhood abuse then domestic violence, the path of trusting self and others was a bumpy journey. It was because of my lack of trust in humans that I found trust and solace in other spaces such as crystals, nature and my guides through meditation. With that connection and...
- Tags: Trust
Posted by karen venturi on

Every day there is so much to be grateful for. Being grateful is part of being healthy. Speaking of health I have been testing my bodies PH levels morning, lunch and night before bed and have found there is one thing that greatly affects it, STRESS. I eat very well although i do notice if I'm reckless with to much sugar, fruit, or alcohol my PH levels swing out of balance considerably. I also regularly exercise. But stress of any kind swings the PH level so far out of balance that they are hard to bring back into balance. I...
Posted by karen venturi on

I often refer to my journey as a journey of Faith. There have been so many times in my life where I have repeatedly been doing something and then the intellectual understanding comes as to why it was important for me to do it that way, or to have even done it in the first place. I remember the first guide that ever came to me and spoke with me during meditation, his name was Commander Ashtar from the white brotherhood. For eight years I kept him a secret and followed his every piece of advice. After eight years I...