The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers – Earth Vibrations

The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers

  • $33.00
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Realise your divine self with angel essential energy.

With special numbers like 000, 555, 1010, and 1111, the angels are trying to help you move into a state of awakening and love.
For each number, the divine practice of angel numbers shares a short affirmations style message from the angel, a deeper message, a description of the angel, a visualisation or Meditation, and Angel connection prayer, and an exercise for putting the numbers energy into a crystal.
This book also explores 13 archangels such as Metatron and Uriel, and their unique Ascension lessons for increasing your joy, Health, and well-being.

Author Leeza Robertson makes it easy to start receiving blessings and support from the angels for specific purposes like letting go, making deep soul connections, and transcending negative energy each and every day.

A new energy that the angels call Ascension energy is sweeping the planet. This book shows how angels use special numbers to connect with you and teach Specific Ascension energy lessons. You will discover hands on tips and support for prayer, healing, altar work, automatic writing, rituals, working with chakras, And more. The Ascension lessons in this book will support you as you learn to gently open the door and start receiving guidance and love from the angels.

200 pages by Leena Robertson.