Spirit Quartz – Earth Vibrations

Spirit Quartz

  • $25.00
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Spirit Quartz is found in Boekenhout, Republic of South Africa, on tribal land, where it is excavated and cleansed by the Kwan Kwa _Ndebele_Mphumanlanga (women of the tribe).

Perfect for meditation in solving group or community problems, creating an energy of abundance. Bringing an energy of cohesion and a willingness to work together. It is also often used as a linking stone, linking people, places or situations.

Spirit Quartz has a powerful healing and cleansing energy allowing it also to activate and cleanse other crystals/minerals.

Stimulating discernment, awareness and generating pure white light energy it’s the perfect stone for rectifying energy disturbances. 

Increases Patience, perseverance, fertility, dreaming, protection, self worth, past life connection and stability for the future.