Flower of Life Gridding Plate – Earth Vibrations

Flower of Life Gridding Plate

  • $12.95
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The perfect addition for any home, office or Alter. Our new ply wood gridding plates with sacred geometry allow you to use your imagination to create your very own unique grid system to send out a combination of energies to achieve the vibe your seeking. Measuring 11.5 cm wide x 10 cm long

The Flower of Life starts with the Seed of Life shape: 7 overlapping circles that build outward, forming a flower-like pattern that has been used since ancient times in many cultures around the world. Said to be the basic template for everything in existence; all geometric forms can be found within it, including sacred geometry shapes like the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube, and the Merkaba. The Flower of Life symbolizes creation and reminds us of the unity of everything: we’re all built from the same blueprint.

This is an example of what you can make up with them. I used a Citrine point, mini Garnets ,Small Clear Quartz chips,  and Stibnite Chards ,all of these are available as extra on our website. 

For a short time you can purchase this as an entire package. Gridding plate, Citrine point, mini Garnets x 8, hand full of Clear Quartz chips, 4 Stibnite Chards. = $66

Citrine - Abundance of all Currencies, confidence, vitality 

Garnet- health, purpose, courage, instincts 

Clear Quartz- light, wisdom, amplification 

Stibnite- impenetrable barrier, diligence, endurance, animal kingdom, needs, stability.

Price per item.