512hz Rose Quartz Crystal Tuning Fork – Earth Vibrations

512hz Rose Quartz Crystal Tuning Fork

  • $111.00
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The power of three, Htz frequency, Crystal frequency, and Colour frequency.

Vibrating 512 times per second, activating and stabilising the Base (C note) and connecting the Base Chakra to the Heart Chakra with the energies of Rose Quartz and the Pink rays of Love.

The Pink Rays offer movement and growth in these areas- Love, unconditional love, giving, relationships, compassion, embrace, allowing, heart, feelings, generosity, flowing, softness, harmony, peace, purity of love, sharing, serving, physical love, honouring, acceptance, forgiving, endless love, affection, Heart Chakra, and doorways.

512Hz influences these areas- the skull, hearing, heart chakra, base chakra, Pythagorean tuning, unlocking, music.

Rose Quartz-Rose Quartz is an excellent vibration to spiritually attune us to the vibration of love. Removing anger, jealousy, deceit, stress, fear, guilt, and tension. Rose Quartz allows us to move into an open hearted space of forgiveness and peacefulness, it is truly a stone that softens the deepest woundings to allow self love and self healing.

Simply tap the end of the fork with the mallet and listen to my song, then tap me again and place me on your heart, take some full belly breaths, feel my vibration anchor you into an open hearted space in the present moment of now.

Keep me safe in my pouch, read my card often to remind you of why I am here, together we walk the path of the successful YOU.

3 only, lovingly hand made by Kaz .

Normally $125, this special will remain for 7 days only.